Saturday, December 18, 2010

L.A. Noire

Rockstar's last game, Red Dead Redemption, was a masterpiece of digital experience. But their next game, L.A. Noire, promises to be even better. Not only is this new environment (a 40's detective story) just as rich and atmospheric, but their facial performance capture is so good they've made it an integral part of the gameplay. You must become a detective, and correctly read whether the people you meet are lying or not. Wow!

Friday, December 17, 2010

It's *kind of* like Pegasus

Today's games are nothing short of astonishing. Take Red Dead Redemption, for example. In that game you become a character in what feels like a Zane Grey western novel, or a Frederic Remington painting.

But today's games are also staggeringly complex programs. And sometimes they glitch. As in this case, where the part of a human character was inadvertently mapped onto a horse model. What's incredible is how much it *almost* works.

His Snake Men and Bird Men glitch videos are pretty damned funny too.

The Brothers Mario

Okay, this made me laugh really hard. I just love well-made machinima. Tip of the hat to Saja for twisting my arm to actually watch it.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Welcome to East Germany 2.0

Hold onto your hats, this ride is just getting started.

But I like this version better.

On a related note, Walmart is going to set up special monitors in their stores, to play messages from Fatherland Security, such as this one:

War is peace.
Ignorance is strength.
Slavery is freedom.